01707 594077 | 07773 453380 | info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk

Rats - Rat Control Hertfordshire
Woolmer Pest Control offer a professional and effective Rat control treatment and eradication service in and around the Hertfordshire area. With over 40 years experience of treating and removing Rats, so you can trust in Woolmer Pest Control to solve your Rat problem.
Why you may want a professional like Woolmer Pest Control to deal with your rats?
Rats carry diseases which can be passed on to humans and make us ill, including Leptospirosis, Salmonella and Listeria.
Rats regularly cause damage to property, chewing through cables, pipework etc. In some serious causes they have been known to cause housefires through this behaviour.
If you run a business, Rats can damage your reputation or cause you loss of earnings/sales through damaging goods, business closure etc.
You do have a legal obligation to keep your property rodent free and can be taken to task by the local authority if neighbouring properties complain.
How Woolmer Pest Control deal with Rats
When using a professional rat pest control company like Woolmer Pest Control, you’re going to get your rat issue solved. We have access to a wide range of professional products which aren't available to the public. We also have the technical skill, knowledge and years of experience to solve your issue effectively and efficiently.
Woolmer Pest Control use a mixture of rat control techniques such as the use of traps, poison, and proofing to solve your rat problem. Upon survey we will talk you through the treatment options we can offer and explain how we will solve your Rat problem.

Having issues with Rats?
Call us on 07773453380 or 01707 594077, or email us at info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk to see how we can help you with your Rat problem.