01707 594077 | 07773 453380 | info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk

Moths - Moth Treatment Hertfordshire
Woolmer Pest Control offer professional and effective Moth control treatments in and around the Hertfordshire area. With over 40 years of experience treating Moths, so you can trust in Woolmer Pest Control to solve your Moth problem quickly and effectively.
Why you may want a have Moths treated?
There are many types of moth in the UK, but there are only a few that can cause damage to domestic items such as carpets, textiles and wool products, these include the Common Clothes Moth and Case-bearing Clothes Moth.
The larvae of the textile Moths can cause damage to a number of fabrics, from blankets, wool carpets, wool garments to clothing and upholstery.
They can also generally be a nuisance flying around if an infestation is left untreated.
How Woolmer Pest Control deal with Moths
When using a professional company like Woolmer Pest Control, you’re going to get your Moth problem resolved quickly and safely. Moths can be difficult to control, especially if the are left to get established and aren’t dealt with effectively by a trained professional.
As a professional pest control company, we have access to a wide range of professional products which aren't available to the public. We also have the technical skill, knowledge and years of experience in treating Moths to solve your issue effectively and efficiently. We use mixture of Moth control techniques such as the use of chemicals and specific pheromone based traps in order to solve your Moth issue as quickly as possible.

Having issues with Moths?
Call us on 07773453380 or 01707 594077, or email us at info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk to see how we can help you get rid of your Moth infestation.