01707 594077 | 07773 453380 | info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk

Pest Birds - Pigeon Proofing
Woolmer Pest Control offer professional and effective bird control and proofing programmes for pest birds such as Pigeons in the Hertfordshire and surrounding areas.
Why you may want to proof your property from Pest Birds such as Pigeons?
Pest Birds such as Pigeons can dramatically affect businesses and home-owners across the UK. They cause excessive noise and large amounts of mess from droppings.
Pigeons can also cause the spread of dangerous diseases such as Ornithosis, also known as parrot fever, and psittacosis is a zoonotic infectious disease, amongst many others.
Bird droppings can also cause damage to stonework and erode paint and metal pipes over time – all of which can be expensive to repair.
Nesting pest birds in properties can also be the source for many other insects such as mites, beetles and moths to name a few.
How Woolmer Pest Control deal with Pigeons
There is no ‘one-size fits all’ approach to bird control and proofing against Pigeons. Each building layout is different and therefore each one needs a survey and bespoke approach to finding the right solution. Woolmer Pest Control will use a mixture of proofing and control techniques such as bird netting, spiking, gels, wires and visual/audio deterrents to solve your bird problem. By choosing us, you’ll have the peace of mind that your bird problem will be resolved efficiently and effectively.

Having issues with Pigeons?
Call us on 07773453380 or 01707 594077, or email us at info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk to arrange a site survey to see how we can help you get rid of your pest birds.