01707 594077 | 07773 453380 | info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk

Bed Bugs - Bed Bug Treatment Hertfordshire
Woolmer Pest Control offer professional and effective Bed Bug treatments in and around the Hertfordshire area. With over 40 years of experience treating Bed Bugs, so you can trust in Woolmer Pest Control to solve your Bed Bug problem quickly and effectively.
Why you may want a have Bed Bugs treated?
Bed Bug bites cause red, irritating marks/lumps and can be extremely irritating and may cause some severe skin reactions.
If you operate a business such as a hotel or Bed & Breakfast - Bed Bugs have the ability to ruin an organisation’s reputation. If clients and customers experience a Bed Bug infestation in the premises they are likely to complain and request a refund and even publicise the issue online.
Bed Bugs can also disturb sleep and spread diseases, so its important you eradicate the problem before the spread.
How Woolmer Pest Control deal with Bed Bugs
When using a professional pest control company like Woolmer Pest Control, you’re going to get your Bed Bug issue resolved. Bed Bugs are extremely difficult to eradicate, and are impossible to control without the use of professional grade products and equipment.
As a professional pest control company, we have access to a wide range of professional products which aren't available to the public. We also have the technical skill, knowledge and many years of experience in solving Bed Bug issues in domestic and commercial settings.

Having issues with Bed Bugs?
Call us on 07773453380 or 01707 594077, or email us at info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk to see how we can help you get rid of your Bed Bug issue.