01707 594077 | 07773 453380 | info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk

Ants - Ant Treatments Hertfordshire
Woolmer Pest Control offer professional and effective Ant removal treatments in domestic and commercial settings. With over 40 years of experience treating Ants you be assured that Woolmer Pest Control can solve your Ant problem quickly and effectively.
Why you should want to control Ants?
There are various types of Ants in the UK, but they all have the ability to damage goods and property, and generally be a nuisance.
If left too late in the season, completely untreated, or treated badly by an amateur, Ants can quickly spread and get out of control and increase hugely in number.
How Woolmer Pest Control deal with Ants
Controlling Ants isn’t easy and can be difficult if left too late into the summer period. For a lot of our ant treatments we administer a gel based treatment. Our specialist gel products cause the worker ants to destroy their own nests. The workers are attracted to the gel and carry it back to the larvae and queen, killing off the whole colony. Although this treatment can be expensive, and take a number of weeks to work, it is exceptionally safe and effective. We have the knowledge, products and expertise to deal with your ant problem should you need us.

Having issues with Ants?
Call us on 07773453380 or 01707 594077, or email us at info@woolmerpestcontrol.co.uk to see how we can help you get rid of your ant issue.